The 10 signs of depression in cats include abnormal nature, severe hair loss, excessive behavior, repeated licking of the body, like to bite objects, loss of fun, easy to feel tired, failure to move, little or no estrus, appetite Feeling depressed, depressed, and not very confident.
Firstly, cats suffering from depression may have abnormal nature and engage in brutal aggressive behavior. Second, there may be frequent wheezing and hair loss is relatively serious. Third, the cat may take some drastic actions, such as peeing around the house.
Fourth, the cat may lick a certain part of its body repeatedly. Fifth, cats may behave strangely, such as liking to bite objects. Sixth, faced with the owner’s teasing, the cat has no interest and no sense of entertainment.
Seventh, cats have sleep disorders such as insomnia and early awakening. Eighth, the cat’s sexual desire has decreased and it almost never goes into heat again. Ninth, the cat’s appetite decreased significantly and its body weight decreased. Tenth, cats become less confident, prone to despair, and prone to fatigue.