How many meals should a Chow Chow eat every day?

How many meals should a Chow Chow from 1 to 12 months old eat throughout the day
Chow Chow (Definite Introduction )

Generally speaking, Chow puppies should be fed 4 times a day for 1-2 months, and do not give milk to them during this period. When the Chow Chow gets a little older, it can be fed three times a day between 3 and 6 months. At this time, you can buy puppy food with higher nutritional content and soak it in warm water until the dog food is not hard.

Be careful to use warm water, because if the water is boiled, it will cause the nutrients to escape.

As for how much is appropriate for a Chow Chow to eat at one time?

A simple way is to arrange to observe the chow’s feces 20 minutes after a meal. If there is generally no diarrhea, it proves that the amount of food you feed the puppy is enough for the dog to digest.

The following is the detailed number of meals a Chow Chow eats throughout the day:

A Chow Chow should be fed four times a day in one month.

Two-month-old Chows should be fed four times a day

Three-month-old Chows should be fed three times a day.

Four-month-old Chows should be fed three times a day.

Five-month-old Chows are fed three times a day.

Chow Chows at six months of age should be fed three times a day.

Seven-month-old Chow Chows are fed twice a day.

Eight-month-old Chows are fed twice a day.

The nine-month-old Chow Chow is fed twice a day.

The ten-month-old Chow Chow is fed twice a day.

Eleven-month-old Chows are fed twice a day.

Teen-month-old Chows should be fed once a day.

Chow Chows one year old and above should be fed once a day.

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