How are you? Dogs should take deworming pills
Akita Inu (definite introduction)

Feeding dogs deworming pills is not as easy as we think It's as simple as that. Many dogs are very smart. If you put pills and food together and try to get your dog to eat them together, you may be disappointed. Because dogs' noses are very sensitive, they can distinguish the taste of food and pills very well, so they will separate the food from the pills and only eat the food. So how should we feed deworming medicine to dogs? Hand it down and provide some methods.

If the dog is unwilling to take medicine, then we can stuff the pills in a ball of meat so that the dog cannot smell the pills, and when it chews the medicine, Once it breaks together with the meat, it will not affect the taste and cause the dog to spit out the medicine.

Another way is to grind the drug into powder, then sprinkle it into the dog’s daily drinking water, stir, and then feed the water to the dog, but be careful. There can't be too much water.

However, as the medical industry continues to advance, the taste of many anthelmintic drugs has undergone great changes. Some anthelmintic drugs have dried into meat lumps and taste like beef. , so there is no need to worry about the dog not taking deworming medicine.

It is true that giving medicine to a dog is not a simple matter, so if the dog cannot take the medicine, we can only find another way. However, if the dog does not take the medicine, we You can only use some "bullying" techniques to get the dog to take the medicine. After all, their body is the most important thing.

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