Shape characteristics of archer fish
Archer fish

As the name suggests, archer fish can emit water, and they were the first to create water jets. Fish were caught by shooting water into the water in 1766. In the wild, the body length of archerfish can reach 20-30 centimeters. Archerfish in captivity are generally more than 10 centimeters in length.

Archerfish are particularly active, playful and mischievous, with bright colors. It is only about 20 centimeters long and has a pair of blister eyes with continuously changing vertical lines on the whites of its eyes. When swimming on the water, it can not only see objects on the surface, but also objects in the ground.

The archerfish has an oval-like body shape, with flat sides, a long and pointed head, and roughly yellow eyes with a hint of green. The body shape is close to oval, with a flat head and a pointed snout, and a flat side body. The body color is bright silvery white, some are light yellow, and slightly green. There are six black vertical stripes on the side of the body, the first of which passes over the eyes, the second on the gills, the third on the back of the gill cover from the back to the chest, the fourth from the beginning of the dorsal fin to the abdomen, and the fifth on the side of the body. The rays start from the dorsal fin to the side of the body, and the sixth ray coils around the caudal peduncle. The eyes are big and lively. The dorsal fin is symmetrical to the anal fin, similar in shape, semicircular, and the rear end is close to the caudal peduncle. Tail peduncle short. The caudal fin is triangular in shape. Both the dorsal and anal fins have black wide-edge spots.

