What do you think of the appearance of the egg turtle?
Egg turtle (sure quote) See)

The egg turtle has a special shape. Its characteristic is that the carapace is oval and smooth. From top to bottom, it looks like a big egg. The popularity of egg turtles and the appearance of egg turtles have become a topic of discussion among more and more people. Naturally, the appearance of turtles is related to personal aesthetics. Everyone has their own opinions. Here are some personal opinions. I don’t like it. Do not spray.


The so-called authority naturally focuses on this head. Some people like authority with a big head. The only authority that is not too big is wc. It is difficult to cultivate a big head with cb. Some people think that the authoritative point of view is the same as that of a razor, which lies in the forehead and radial lines.

Tiger stripe: 

The price of tiger prints is largely determined based on the head prints, so the better the head prints, the higher the price will naturally be. The denser the linear markings on the head, the better. The more dotted tiger stripes are not good, and they will lose the charm of tiger stripes when they grow up. Radial patterns Tiger patterns are generally not the best, but there are some beautiful radial patterns. The focus of tiger patterns is mainly on the head lines.

Tiger striped is a subspecies of authoritative. Since it is a musk species, it can also be mixed with razor musk deer, which are similar in size. Recently, there have been many tiger hybrids, that is, hybrids. However, pure tiger stripes have obvious stripes, and it is easy to distinguish between tiger stripes and tiger stripes. You can tell at a glance. Where is the price of tiger stripes? It is generally not possible to buy a huge pure tiger at tiger stripes price.


There are worm-shaped and full-dotted head patterns. Both types have a squinting head, a red nose, a yellowish flesh color, and a clean shell color is preferred.


Dense head spots and carapace markings are Chicken feet, plum blossom (definitely introduced) shape is better. The whiter and cleaner the shell color, the better.

Narrow Bridge:

The so-called masterpiece narrow bridge is the high yellow seedling that players are looking for. The yellower the color, the better. Because most people in narrow bridges have dark complexions. There are no beautiful narrow bridges with nods and radial lines, and they are also extremely beautiful.


 Helmet (Mississippi Mud Turtle) The helmet that everyone often talks about is the Mississippi Mud Turtle. To be honest, helmets are not easy to keep beautiful. Most helmets have gray heads when they grow up, with one or two in the middle. It has shallow head lines, so some turtle friends say that the helmet is the most ugly and ugly turtle among egg turtles. However, it is particularly good-looking if you keep it beautiful, with yellow and black woven stripes like tiger stripes. The helmet is dark when it is small, and you can’t tell much about its appearance at all. However, you can look for the “cross eyes” when picking out the sprouts. The thicker the second line on the face, the better. Thin face lines will become thinner when they grow up. , and looked away. Also, the shell color of the helmet becomes lighter as it gets older. You don’t have to worry about what to do if it gets too dark when you are young.


Oriental head patterns are different from helmet head patterns, but I think the oriental ones with dense dots on them are the most beautiful.

Huang Ze:

For egg turtles with a simple complexion, the yellower the complexion, the better.

White lips:

The white lip is made of mango head, and the lighter and yellower the shell color, the better.

Red face: 

The redder the head, the better, and the lighter the carapace, the better.

Fruit core: 

 Shell color and head pattern. Some fruit cores and shell colors are very beautiful, but they are bald. It is very important to have only two shallow lines on both sides of the face. The wrinkles on the head are very complex. Is there any common pattern? The wrinkles on the head are not the same as those on the tiger-striped head. The core is a relatively beautiful mud turtle, with three beautiful lines on its back and head. The shape-like pattern is its distinguishing point, and some beautiful fruit pits have many yellow spots right on the head. The fruit pits are small in size, but their water resistance is relatively poor among egg turtles, so it is not recommended to keep them in deep water. , has gradually adapted from shallow water 

