Food suitable for the Russian Terrier
Russian Terrier (confirmed introduction)

When raising a Russian Terrier, the owner’s biggest concern is probably what food to feed to make the dog stronger, right? From a complete perspective, there is no one that is best, only the one that best suits your dog is the best. The editor below introduces several relatively healthy foods.
The most healthy pet food is food that is self-produced through sufficient research and novel ingredients. This area should include both raw and cooked food. The term "sufficiently studied" is quite scary. From what I can see, the only person who can make such food is at the level of a zookeeper. However, even if it is not fully studied, it is still better than other foods.
The second most healthy pet food is the perfectly matched frozen raw food or dehydrated food we buy from the market. The term "perfect match" is also quite scary. It's not something you just randomly buy a chicken rack or a few slices of dehydrated meat. Note that dehydrated food refers to food that has only been dehydrated, which is different from what we generally call dehydrated food, and it does not only refer to dehydrated meat. In addition, from this we can also see that the "raw food flow" is given a very high rating, but there are conditions, and it is not placed at the healthiest level. Again robust pet food is high quality wet food.

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