How to Build healthy emotions in puppies

The puppy years are a time for dogs to grow It is a very critical period in life. We often say that life is determined at the age of three. It seems that the effects of youth play a crucial role in the future growth path. Therefore, we should instill a good idea into the dog from an early age and shape it in a targeted manner so that the dog has a strong heart, cultivate its good emotional qualities, and become an outstanding dog. .

The development of a puppy’s heart is closely related to its environment. When the puppies meet their basic survival needs or later, the puppies interact with the external environment. However, during this period, the puppies have little effect on the outside world and are mainly influenced by various information from the outside world. Therefore, it is known that controlling the living environment of puppies will affect the dog's understanding of the outside world. To shape a dog's complete emotion, you may wish to start from the following aspects:

1. Satisfying the puppy's inner peace is the prerequisite for developing a healthy emotion. Harm is the puppy's only understanding of the outside world." The body of a puppy is at the core of the protection and survival process, and its characteristic of "seeking good luck and hiding from evil" is extremely outstanding. However, dogs at the age of two and six weeks have gradually matured their sensory organs, and the "imprint" learning method is playing a greater role. At this time, they are prone to be fixed and not easy to change in response to harmful external stimuli. review. Therefore, during this period, we should create a safe environment so that the puppies will not be accidentally stimulated or harmed. What we need to do is to establish a good relationship with the puppies, even if eliminating them may cause harm. The damage suffered makes the puppies full of confidence in their growth. Many cases of timidity and nervousness in dogs are often related to the harmful stimulation the puppies have received. For puppies, safety is everything.

2. The extensive relationship between puppies is an important method for the emotional development of dogs, which can promote the further development of the senses and increase the ability to exchange information. Dogs' social habits are the prerequisites laid early in life, but the habits of adult dogs when getting along more often bear the traces of getting along with each other as puppies. For dogs after five weeks of age, due to the small difference in performance and very similar movements, it is not easy for dogs to interact with each other and cause behaviors that harm each other. Moreover, the behaviors such as biting and chasing during this period are the reasons why dogs hunt.Therefore, during this period, providing the dog with a place that encourages the dog to communicate, such as lawns, etc., can enhance the dog's judgment about space and enhance the physical strength of the puppy; changing the puppy's exercise environment can also be a good way for the dog to exercise. Games provide more opportunities.

How to cultivate a healthy mood for puppies
Provide a safe environment for dogs from an early age

3. The guidance of the dog’s individual consciousness is the key to the dog’s emotional development. In the six to nine weeks of growth, as the body's differences appear and intensify, the dog's movements will show a relatively strong "self-awareness". This awareness is caused by and characterized by food struggles. The evolution and intensification of the dog's individual consciousness leads the puppies to further understand themselves, and then produce behaviors based on conditioned reflex movements, such as not daring to eat when presented with food, not daring to compete for possession of fetched objects, etc. . At this time, the dog should be separated and raised. It is very important to seize this opportunity. The behavior of the puppy should be adopted for a period of time but not during a period of serious emotional pressure on the puppy. This is a way to help build self-confidence. When leaving, the puppies should first maintain visual communication. to protect its universal needs. The separation and cultivation of space is the beginning of developing the characteristics of disadvantaged dogs and making them have the temperament of superior dogs. At this time, the dog's feeding is the premise to make the dog's body and spirit rich. Set up separate fences and exchange opportunities for other dogs to bark and threaten each other. In general breeding centers where supervision is neglected, the difference between superior and inferior dogs may increase, leading to neuroticism and lack of self-confidence in inferior dogs. In contrast, domestic dog centers rarely find dogs with particularly weak or neurotic traits, which may have a lot to do with seasonal breeding.

Letting dogs have a healthy attitude is of great use to them, and it will become easier to find in the future training process. With correct method training, I believe that caring for dogs will be much more successful in the future.

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