Yorks are easy to raise, but when raising Yorkies, you must also prepare a suitable living environment for them and pay attention to their diet.

1. It turns out that if parents can carefully train this kind of dog, it can definitely do very well and generously, and it is also relatively easy to raise. First of all, let’s talk about feeding knowledge. Just feed your dog professional dog food. Never feed it human food, because its hair will change color.

2. Let’s talk about dredging. Yorkshire terriers are relatively quiet and cute dogs, so the amount of exercise is not too large. Generally, if they are at home, they can have a little interaction, and they do not need to go out with their owners. Even dogs that go out don’t exercise much. If you want your dog to sit in the basket of your own car, you should train it from an early age, otherwise it will jump off and get hurt when it gets older.

3. Special attention must be paid to cleaning. Because dogs are long-haired dogs, you must pay great attention to the care of their hair. However, in general, you can wash its coat in the living center, buy good washing powder in advance, or some talcum powder, spray it on the body, and then comb it, you can further remove the dust on its coat. It can also make the hair look shiny, and if it is combed for a long time, it can also promote blood circulation under the hair and enhance metabolism.

4. In addition to cleaning the hair, special attention should also be paid to brushing the dog's teeth, as well as cleaning around the eyes and inside and outside the ears. This is done to prevent the dog from getting parasitic diseases.

When raising a Yorkshire terrier, you should pay attention to the care of its hair.

