<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Angora cats love to be clean, for example, they often lick and protect their fur. Their saliva is similar to strong cleaning agents, but this saliva can cause allergies in humans. Angora cats may occasionally vomit hair balls because they swallowed hair during licking and accumulated in the stomach.

Angora cats
<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Angora Cats still maintain the custom of being carnivorous animals that lie dormant during the day and come out at night. Many activities (such as catching rats and courtship) are often held at night. Angora cats are most active every day in the early morning or evening, and spend most of the day lazily resting or resting. The daily resting time ranges from 12 to 16 hours, with an average of 13 to 14 hours, but there are some Angora cats will be housed for 20 hours. <p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Sometimes, the male Angora cat urinates everywhere, while the female Angora cat roars and screams in the middle of the night, which is commonly known as This is the "angora cat", which is the estrus of the Angora cat. It was generally believed that the estrus period of Angora cats is February or August, but it is no longer exactly the same time. Experts believe that a non-pregnant female Angora cat will go into estrus every 14 to 21 days, and the estrus lasts for 3 to 6 days, and the time to seek mating lasts about 2 or 3 days.
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